
Cloudbudget is a work-in-progress online Money-like application.
It's written using ExpressJS and provided only REST services. The web interface is in a different project CloudBugdet-AngularJS.
CloudBudget needs a Mongo database. Database configuration is done in the config/db.js file.
The environment mode is defined by the environment variable NODE_ENV.
The following features are developed:
- API security done with JWT
- API documentation
- User log on / log in
- User deregistration
- Bank account CRUD
- Bank accounts listing
- Deposit / Bill entry CRUD
- Deposit / Bill entries listing
To initialize the application, install all dependencies with
npm install
To launch CloudBudget, use the following command :
NODE_ENV=development node app.js
If the PORT environment variable is set, it will be used, if not, the default port is 3000. The server configuration is done with the config/server.js file.
API documentation
The root URL is linked to the API documentation. The API documentation is generated with apidocs into the public folder. To generate it, use the following command :
npm run-script generate-doc